Saturday, March 8, 2008

count your blemishes, you can't, they're all gone

Being so used to getting up early these days, I find I can't sleep past 10am no matter how badly I want to (unless I'm really hungover...). Today not being the case, I just wanted to lounge in bed for a while since it's all cold and overcast and windy and sort of snowing outside. I had kitties to cuddle with, but my eyes were not going to cooperate. So if it gets even marginally nicer outside, meaning without precipitation, I'll probably go get a haircut even though I can't afford it. I've been participating in other things I can't afford recently too that I don't need, so since I've lost all patience with the mop on my head I feel I can justify it just a little bit.
How to interpret a blank piece of paper? On one hand, it is a tangible response. On the other, it is a non-response because it's a response that says nothing. Is it "It's cool" or "It's not cool, I have nothing to say to you?". I'll play it safe and go with answer B.

Grrrr. I tried to open my iTunes on my laptop the other day, but I forgot to plug in my little portable external hard drive, which is where I keep the music files. It messed up the database file, so now when I open iTunes it's blank. Which means I lost all my trivia playlists too. I have to reimport everything (luckily just the song info/location, not the actual songs), which takes 10 years. Ok, that's an exaggeration, but it does take about 45 minutes. And then I'll have to rebuild the trivia shit because those songs have to be specific in length... Boo, hiss.

Even though it's really strange and I never thought about it working out this way, I'm an aunt now. I figured I'd have kids before my brother did, considering he's 10 years younger than me. But oops. I know most people offer a "Congrats!" upon the birth of a child, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't fit in this situation what with that they're both kids themselves (she's 15), and it's been nothing but non-stop drama and angst for my mother. I hadn't talked to her since Christmas, so I called the other night. The baby was born in mid-February, and this was the first I'd heard of it. I think she's partially in denial that this baby is in fact her grandchild, because when I asked her what it was named she responded, "Oh, Mallory something...".

Ok, the weather is freaking me out a bit. It's windy as hell, and right now it's super sunny at my house. But I'm looking out the window and the darkest grey clouds EVER are moving this way. As long as it doesn't rain lizards or anvils I'll be ok.

I read in the Athens Banner Herald- such a fine newspaper it is- that Mark Richt received an $800,000 per year salary increase, bringing his annual pay to $2.8 million. I know he's done good things for the program, and I did spend enough time at UGA (in the Redcoats no less) to like college football and all, but it blows my mind that just his pay raise equals the median yearly income for 26 Athens residents combined (The 2006 estimate being 30,500 per year). Which 'median' isn't really representative when you're talking about a city in which 14% of families and 30% of individuals have earnings that fall below the poverty line. As I said before, I'm not saying he doesn't deserve a raise and I'm not getting all advocate and that, but comparing his income to mine, well, I could probably find my yearly income in his couch cushions.

Anyone going to see either Man Man or the Effie's show tonight? I want to do both, but that requires cover charges for both which ain't happening... so if cool people are going to one or the other than that's the one I'll pick. I'm not opposed to going to shows alone, but it is just more fun with others (and will help me make up my mind).

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