Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Things I Would Rather Be Doing.

-Housework. Even folding my clothes, which is my least liked chore.
-Bowling, as was mentioned in a text earlier today.
-Drinking beer. That’s a no-brainer...
-Reading the book I borrowed from Matt back in December so I can give it back sometime soon.
-Finishing copying the Looney Toons dvds (I’m a pirate, arrrr!) I borrowed from Matt in early February so I can give them back sometime soon.
-Eating dinner. That isn’t made up by broken cookies given to me by the cafeteria lady at Athens Tech.
-Going to see Built to Spill in Atlanta tonight. This should be number 1 on this list.
-Sleeping. Also a no-brainer.
-Any other myriad of things...

But instead I’m studying for a lab practical and a chemistry exam I have tomorrow. Chem test should be easy as pie, as long as I can remember the equations. Lab practical has me a little apprehensive, but I think I’ll get at least a B. I just sort of slacked on learning the GI and urinary and reproductive tracts so I’m afriad they’ll want me to identify something I can’t remember.

Which reminds me- on Tuesday we had our last anatomy lab, and it was a necropsy lab. Autopsy for animals, really. It was definitely something I’d never seen, and I wouldn’t recommend it for those who have a weak stomach. The blood-and-guts don’t bother me much, but man, innards (or rather their contents) REEK. Digging around looking for kidneys and vas deferens in a tom cat with a full bladder doesn’t smell like roses. Nor does the gallbladder. Also, seeing how easy it is to disarticulate an animal’s head was a little weird. The dog we watched being necropsied was an older spayed female. She had all sorts of problems including a grossly bulging eye, tapeworms, a malformed liver, a very enlarged kidney, and an adrenal gland that was all tumor. Pretty neat. If I could get past the smell, I might be interested in this area.

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