Sunday, March 2, 2008

Just because it works doesn't mean it's not broken

Dear neighbors with that Rock Band video game:
   Please refrain from playing said game at full volume at 3:30 am. I know it was a Saturday night, but I'm a dork now (?) and go to bed early. Usually I would have been able to ignore it and go back to sleep, but your rendition of "Roxanne" was really just too much to handle. Not to mention that you followed that up with promptly getting "booed off stage" with your versions of "My Sharona", "Blitzkrieg Bop", "Four Dead in Ohio" and "Creep". I hope you aren't planning on auditioning for American Idol any time soon, because that Simon guy will have an absolute heyday with you, and I don't want to listen to you cry either. Thanks.

Other things I can't get my mind off of. Some I should. Some that would be best for me to forget about. It seems what with everything else sort of sucking right now, it makes it harder to move on in other aspects. Too much at once, maybe. Tends to make everything stop. Sigh.

Another being struck with the paranoia that I'd possibly walked on past a dead woman. Pretty irrational when you think of it. I left ERC last night a little before 9 pm, and on my way out, I almost hit a woman in the head with the door. She had been sitting on the steps, and now was laying back and appeared to be sleeping. Upon passing her, I thought "Oh, she's taking a nap. Glad I didn't hit her with the door". I guess this is because I've seen lots of people nap in unconventional places downtown (usually during the day in nice weather, bums excluded). It didn't strike me as odd until I got home when I started thinking maybe I should have checked on her. I just hope I'm being a worrier and nothing more. I thought about a time when a classmate of mine 'fell asleep' at a recital, and everyone left him there after. I nudged him and he didn't budge, and mentioned it to a worker in the lobby. Turned out he had slipped into unconsciousness due to a diabetic complication and wasn't far from a full-fledged coma. Paramedics were called, he was fine... but if someone hadn't gone back to check, he'd be dead. Once I was awake from the neighbors, this woman was one of the things tumbling through my head. It took me 2 hours to go back to sleep...

Why are people so hell-bent on hurting each other? Particularly women... they seem to always have it out for other women. Spoke with a friend about this today. She was recently the victim of a mutiny at her place of employment. She had done nothing wrong... it was simply other women being evil backstabbing bitches. All I know is I could use all the friends I can get, and I don't really understand the hidden hatred some women possess. I'm not saying I haven't fallen into a bit of it myself, but I will say that when I have there were outside factors contributing to my bad behavior, and I never felt good about it later. Same with grudges. I just don't see the point, or rather they don't work for me. Sometimes as much as I think someone may be worth me really disliking or holding a grudge, with time it just makes me sadder.

My newest source of entertainment: Craigslist. The shit people post there is insane. Particularly in the personals section. Do people actually respond to that crap??

Well, since I have no food here, and I must study for a test I have tomorrow, I think it's off to Transmet for me. Leaving the house is the only thing that will make me get off the computer or stop doing laundry or leave my cats alone or not read that other non-school book or not watch those movies... you get the point.

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