Monday, March 24, 2008

This guy cracks me up

Georgia needs more fans like this. Maybe it would have helped them get further than one game. (let it play through a couple times to get the streaming down; it’s better at real speed)

Kinda chilly outside today.

I’m on ’spring break’ right now. Though without a job, I have nothing to do and am too broke to go anywhere. So I guess I’ll devote this time to trying to FIND a job. If I don’t find something soon (or find a cool roommate with few belongings willing to live in a little bedroom in a little house with 3 cats...), well, I have about 2 or 3 months of reserves and after that, adios Athens. I will do what I can to make it to the end of the next quarter in school though, so that if I take off for a while I can come back and finish next year, because I really want to finish this program.

Why do you keep reentering my life (and not just simply reentering which is fine, but reentering and saything the things you do) when I am ready to just get on with it? Do you have radar or something? I’m not doing things that way again. If you really mean half the shit you (pussyfoot around and vaguely) say, you should be able to tell me to my face and act that way too. "Why does it have to be called something? Why does it have to have labels?"? Because if you can’t even say it to me, you’ll never acknowledge anything to the outside world, which is a little bit important to me. And as I’ve said before, if you can’t actually say it to me, then it’s not what you want.

I had already written all this crap once- Myspace ate it.

My tragus piercing is revolting against me out of nowhere. I guess it got snagged on something last week and tore a little... I didn’t notice until it was a little inflammed on Friday. I woke up yesterday morning, and the thing was so swollen it looked like someone had snuck into my house and implanted a red marble on the side of my head. And it hurts. After doing everything you aren’t supposed to do to a piercing (hydrogen peroxide and antibiotic ointment), the swelling has gone down considerably. It’s still gross though. I’m considering taking it out, but don’t want any wierd scar tissue, so I’ll probably see if it’ll heal up.

Yeah. That’s about all.

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