Saturday, December 31, 2005

Counting down

Here it is... New Years Eve. Your last chance to make 2005 everything that you hoped it would be. Your last chance to accomplish those things that seemed so important at this point last year. And your last chance of this year to be with the people you care about. Let them know you love them, because who knows what 2006 will bring. Now is also a good time to wipe the slate clean. If you're holding a grudge, let it go. Hateful emotions waste energy. If you hate your job, let it go. It's just a job. If you're not content with where you are in life, at least try to be happy with where you are *at this moment*. Because you've got a lot of time to get there. What better way to start off the new year than simply happy?

I know there are some things I want to work on for this next year. I wouldn't call them 'resolutions' because I don't believe in resolutions. People make resolutions each year and rarely see them through. But I will think about some things. And I'm going to start small. With cleaning my house.  :)

Now go have fun!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

home sweet home

After 5 days in Cincinnati I am back in Athens. Though it was a nice little vacation (?) it is definitely good to be back. I missed my cats. And my house. And the ability to do whatever without being interrogated by my grandmother. And the peace and quiet that comes with not having twins. I also missed my own bed. I have spent the last 5 nights sleeping on a crappy, hard, small couch in the basement. Not like a nice, finished, just-like-another-room-in-the-house basement, but one where there is a couch and a TV and then all the stuff that doesn't go anywhere else and a washer and dryer and furnace, etc. So yeah, I expect to sleep really well tonight. 

But I didn't miss having to go to work, which I have to do tomorrow. I think it's high time I won the lottery. Or found a sugar daddy.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Crunkmas!

Here I am, sitting at my grandmother's house in Cincinnati. As nice as it is to come visit, I get horribly bored. No where to go. No one really to go see. My dad lives here, and right now my aunt from Chicago is staying here as well. With her twin girls. They are still babies, and cry a lot. And scream when they aren't happy. And get into things. And their mom has a tendency to be a little over-reactionary (is that a word?) with them. Also, because there are two of them, they have to sleep in separate rooms because both cribs won't fit in one. So even though I got here a day earlier, as soon as my aunt got here, I got kicked out of the guest room so she and one baby could sleep there, and they other extra room has the other baby. Meanwhile, I got downgraded to a couch in the unfinished basement. Awesome. Nice to get away from Athens, though.

The airport was interesting, because even with the thousands of people there, Erin and I were the most visually interesting. Or strange. Either way, we got stared at the eintre time, and I can't figure out why. The baggage guy found it really humorous that we have the same name. But amazingly enough didn't ask me if I packed my bag myself or if I had let it out of my sight at all or check my ID.

Thursday night I went to some sports bar that's down the street with my dad. There was a cover band playing called Twenty Years Later; you can guess the stuff they covered with a name like that. They actually weren't bad, but I wasn't in the mood to be yelling over Neil Young and Pink Floyd covers. We got a lot of strange looks from people, because whenever we go out here, no one knows who I am, and they just assume that he's some old guy with a young girlfriend. It gets pretty funny sometimes. Well, he proceeded to get pretty drunk, and when that happens he gets annoyingly sentimental, says things like I am the only thing that saved his life, he knows he made mistakes, blah, blah, etc. Then he gets stubborn and argumentative, and generally annoying. Eh, whatever, I just tell him to stop it and he does, but it still grates on my nerves.

Last night everyone came over here, because my family does Christmas on Christmas Eve. So the whole family was here, eating, drinking and opening presents (well, the kids were opening presents). It was fun, cause when eeryone gets together, they are nuts. And everyone does get along really well. My family members are a bunch of shit-talkers and one-liners, so it's fun. I got perfume and Bath And Body Works stuff from my aunts. Is that a hint?? My younger cousin made me a couple pairs of earrings, and my older cousin (older as in 35) gave me a Target gift card. So I didn't go completely presentless this year. My grandma sent me money earlier in the month, plus she ordered me a nice 26" upright Samsonite suitcase since I'm using here old leather carry-all one that she's had for 40 years. The wheels will make it so much easier!

I'm about to go see the one friend I still have up here; a girl I've known since second grade. She's cool, and we've gone to her house for her parents' Christmas Day get-together every year since then. Sort of strange to still know someone after 17 years. Especially when you haven't lived in the same state regularly since 1994.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

catching up

I just realized that I never did elaborate on that last post. Now that I am sufficiently bored, I can do some of it now. However, I have reached a level of boredom in which even mindless yammering is boring to me. Since it is boring to me, I can only assume it is equally, if not more, boring to you. But you know what?? I don't care. You can deal with it. Or quit reading now. You have been warned.

The weekend of December 10 and 11 was one of excessive amounts of partying. First off, on the 10th, there was Bill's Famous Christmas Dinner Party thing, where at least 150 townies show up at his house to eat good food and drink good drinks and it's all free. On top of that, everyone is dressed to the nines, and there is really no stranger sight than all those kids that you see every day that MAY have showered sometime in the past week or two only now they are all in suits and dresses and heels and all that jazz. Quite posh, really. 

That night started off rather shittily for me, however, seeing as how my water had been turned off because of a break in the line. So I get home from work and need a shower, and it's not fixed yet, so my landlord decideds to be a pal and turn it back on for me for 10 minutes so I can bathe even though it will create a mini-geyser in Martha's yard. Little did I know that also meant that the water would NOT be clear, but that nice red-dirt color. I let it run as clear as it will, then shower, only to find that halfway through the shower the dirt snuck back in there. So I basically took a mud shower. I looked clean, but had anyone licked me, I would have tasted like dirt. Awesome. 

The party itself was fun- lots of booze, food, and people. There was a group of Effie's girls there, and when we get together obscene amounts of boob-grabbing and ass-smacking and such occurs, and there are a few choice pictures of such. Everyone got quite toasted. By the end of the night, I was being tackled by Thom repeatedly and was invited to accompany a married couple to their home. Not for drinks and good conversation...I passed on that one, and split a cab with Fred around 4am. 

The next night was the Grill's holiday party, which is known to many for being a legendary throw-down. We had 3 full kegs, a torpedo keg (Yum. Wake n' Bake), and lots of other things to poison ourselves with. Food was yummy, and the secret santa was good. Jeff (the owner) was my secret santa, and he gave me a framed 8x10 photo he took of me about 3 years ago at a football game. Yes, I was a Redcoat. I am in my uniform on the sidelines before halftime, and waving like a 'tard. The bottom of the picture is captioned 'Band Dork'. It's great. There were Moon Boots that someone got as a present that people were jumping around on, and just a general good time. The sink in the men's downstairs bathroom 'somehow' was broken off the wall... ahem... There seemed to be a strange moment where everyone decided to kiss each other for the hell of it. Lots of craziness. Left around 5am, walking with Matt and Eric. When we left, Bill was sleeping in table 1, Thom was in table 5, and Scooter was in table 6. It's not a party until someone is sleeping in a booth or someone else pukes on the keg. Great time overall!

 Well, this is stupidly long. There are a few other things I wanted to say, but I'll give you a reprieve for now. Wouldn't want you to strain your eyes.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

help me, i broke apart my insides

This past weekend equaled raging parties times three... And complete shirking (sp?) of responsibility. And a slight loss of self-control. Well, less of a loss-of-self-control than a just-not-giving-a-damn-what-others-think. Though it was all in pure fun, and not an effect of blackouted-ness. 'Cause I remember everything. Once I have properly recovered, I may give more detail. Until then...

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Who are these people?

I just got back from North Carolina. I went up to vist my grandmother because my grandfather died on Monday. There wasn't a service of any sort, so it was just family being together. We basically sat around the house doing nothing for two days, which could be nice, but was actually really boring. 

What made it so awkward is that the members of my family are not close at all. I talk to only my mother on a regular basis. Regular meaning at least once every 2 months. Sometimes I would get emails from my grandmother, and would write back, and never get a reply. My aunt Jewel (she had it legally changed from 'Julie' a while back) who lives in Niagra Falls was there, and I haven't seen her in at least 7 years, and have maybe spoken to her twice in that time. The other two aunts live in Cincinnati; Beth and Joanna. When I was little I used to talk to Beth a lot. I saw her over Thanksgiving for the first time in years. And there is no regular contact anymore. Joanna I never had any sort of relationship with, and have only seen her at a few family gatherings like this one. Also, some of the aunts/sisters don't really get along, so they don't talk to each other either. So, you get a house full of people who only know the goings-on in the other people's lives because of what they hear through the family grapevine. No on actually knows each other anymore. (And none of them know me at all...)  And unfortunately it seems as if no one really cares either. Which means two days of small talk and banter and yapping about some TV show everyone watches. I think it is a shame, and is something I hope to avoid should I ever have my own family. Hopefully I'll be able to break that cycle, though, since that type of family (the not-close-at-all one) is mostly what I've always had. 

Monday, December 5, 2005


Everyone go hug your friends/family. I'm glad I was able to go and visit some family in North Carolina for Thanksgiving. I wasn't going to go at first, because I had to work the day after and had already made other plans. But a friend helped me out and covered my shift, and I cancelled my original Thanksgiving dinner plans I had made with MK and visited Brevard instead. I got to see my grandfather who I hadn't seen in about 3 years. And I am glad I went, because I got to give him one last hug. And that makes me happy.

Friday, December 2, 2005

blah blah

Things are going alright for the most part. I feel like I'm really busy, but in reality I just finally have a few things to do other than work. Thanksgiving was a bit of a trial for me, though still nice. Other things are moving along smoothly. Work is work. Effie's has a show on Saturday. It will be great! You should come and see us. (midnite at the GA Theatre... only $5) Though I love Effie's, I will be glad for the break we get after this show. I haven't seen Family Guy in so long!!I will possibly elaborate on some of this later. Or maybe not. Depends on if I'm up for it....

In other news, I went to the Christmas parade tonight. I am not a big fan of parades, especially since I have been in more parades than everyone I know combined and they all sucked. Well, watching this parade was really no different because it also sucked, except that I didn't have 10 lbs of brass strapped to each arm. The Creepiest Parade Float of All-Time Award goes to a float that I assume was for a church. It consisted of a giant box that was decorated to look like a big gift. The sides would open up, and inside was a portrayal of the crucifiction of Christ. Some dude dressed like Jesus appearing to be nailed up on a rotating cross, blood and lolling head and all. Merry Christmas, kiddies.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Flipping the quarter

Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 25. Whoo hoo. Actually, I had more fun this birthday than I have in a while. Well, last year was fun, but a little out-of-control, and the recovery time needed last year was more than I wanted to commit to this time around... 

Worked a hellish shift on Saturday. Go Dawgs. Then started the festivities around 10pm. Kelly brought me a present; a chalk drawing over paint she did. It's of me, and it's awesome. I need to hang it up pronto, but I want to seal it somehow so the chalk doesn't smear if it gets touched. Had fun with everyone. I was on the sign at LP. Also went to Room 13 for a minute, and the Farm, and then to Transmet. Scott was in town to play with the Bearfoot Hookers, so I went there to see them for a little bit. Then back to LP, then home.
Sara worked for me on Sunday because Jeff scheduled me though I asked off. She's awesome too. She took me to get some tasty martinis at East/West Bistro on Friday after work. The Godiva martini is absolutely heavenly. 

Anyway, Sunday I got up around 10:30, then ate breakfast at Bluebird with Eric. More fun presents. Erin wanted me to come in to Bluebird, and for once I wasn't working on a Sunday, plus it was my birthday, so hey, why not? Tasty as always. Then a nap. Then dinner at Transmet. Then Effie's rehearsal. After Effie's I went to Taco Stand to celebrate one more time. Ali got me a birthday cake, complete with candles . Free drinks and shots were had. I had a great time. 

Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate with me! You guys are awesome, and I'm glad to know a group of such great people. Extra points to those who were there both Saturday and Sunday . And here's to a good 25th!

Friday, November 18, 2005

Scrambled Eggs and Brains...

That is disgusting. I would never actually eat that. But at Kroger, you can buy little cans of pork brains, and on the back there is a recipe for scrambled eggs and brains... 

In my case, there aren't any eggs involved. Just the scrambled brain. I did a dumb thing and let myself get distracted while riding my bike home from work Sunday around 5pm. I saw a friend walking down Cleveland and waved at her, neglecting to slow down and look before making the turn onto Augusta. So when I turned (too fast and blindly) there was a car coming. In order to avoid a head-on collision, I hit my brakes and swerved to one side, which would have been fine, except for the dirt/sand buildup that's always on that street. So instead of slowing down and turning to the right like I was trying to do, I slid to the left. Thnking 'Oh, shit' and imagining myself on the hood of the car, I thought I should try to bail off the bike into a yard, but didn't make it that far. So I wiped out right on the street about 8 inches from the car's grille. At least that's what I think happened... it's pretty fuzzy, even 2 days later. 

I do remember the people getting out of the car and asking if I was ok. I just jumped up off the ground, grabbed my bike, and started walking away, telling them, 'Yeah, sorry, I'm fine...". Then I was spitting blood, and I counldn't decide it if was from losing teeth or just biting my cheek... and I couldn't really remember how to get home. 

Most details in the 30 minutes or so afterward I have came from Martha, because I showed up at her house freaking out and completely dazed. I remember being there, but don't remember much else. Like that both Mallory and Nathan were also there, or that she gave me some stuff to put on the scrapes on my face. She said that at the time, I couldn't answer the questions she asked me, like where I had wrecked, how I'd gotten home, where my glasses were. I went into my house before going to Martha's and got a washcloth with ice in it for my face, but didn't remember that either. I asked her it if it was hers and she said I'd come in with it.

So I scrambled my brain around a bit it seems. Luckily there doesn't seem like there will be any permanent damage, though I am still a little out-of-it today. (Ha, my typing and spelling are atrocious, but I am able to catch most of the mistakes while doing this). I have had a headache since the wreck. The left side of my face, mostly the cheek and lower jaw, are really swollen and bruised and scraped. Chewing is tricky, and my speech is a little slurred. Mostly because of the big cut on the inside of my cheek from my teeth. No chipped teeth, whew.

So now I look like shit and my face hurts, and my shoulder hurts, etc, etc.... I look like a chipmunk that has it's cheeks stuffed with nuts. Or like I got in a fight. I think that's what I'll tell people now when they ask what happened... you should see the other guy!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Waiting for the next big way to know I'm alive

I've been really reclusive lately. I can feel myself pulling more inward still, and am looking for a way to shake free of that feeling. I don't want to be a hermit, but I have little desire to do much more than stay home and watch movies. Don't get me wrong; I'm not discontent. Just a little unsettled lately. Or not even that unsettled. Not excited about anything. It's as though someone hit the 'repeat' button and every day just replays with no change. It's probably just because I've been busy (well, busier than usual) with Effie's and Thanksgiving plans went from set and simple to aggravating, so hopefully after the beginning of December there will be an upward trend. Until then... I might see you out, or I might not. But I'm here. Just chillin.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Hello, My Name Is...

Freak Magnet. That's me. I'm also "Oh, I didn't see you standing there" girl. And lets not forget "Multiple Introductions happen here" (as in, someone says 'Hi, I'm ______. Nice to meet you.' Except the whole time I'm thinking 'Yes, I know. I've met you 7 times already... nice of you to remember.'...)

Went to Abbey Road Live tonight. It was lots of fun, and got to see some old friends. And got to good-naturedly heckle the drummer. Also went to see Bling... also very fun. Dancing like a fool involved.

Freak Encounters of Tonight:
       1) Weird guy I've met once at a party coming up to me at Room 13 and telling me that though I probably don't remember him, he remembers everything about me. Creepy. And he kissed my hand like some sort of Fabled Prince at least 3 times.
       2) Another weird guy at the Theatre right after I get there. I'm standing with my friends at the bar and he just walks up and grins all up in my face. Then proceeds to dance along with the music right next to me and elbow me like we're old chums. Then I actually meet the dude, cause he ends up knowing another friend I run into. Still a weird guy.
       3) Nameless employee getting too touchy-feely (with this guy, any touchy-feely is too much). Then tells my friends that he knows them and seems slightly pissed that they don't remember him. Then tells my friends that he and I are good friends, and have known each other for a long time. Not true. Then tells us that we can do whatever we want as long as we don't throw beer at people, but only because I'm 'good people'.
      4)  Strange dude outside informing me that he was on the guest list (uh, so was I...), and saying that he and his friend travel around filming bands. He finds out I know the drummer and wants me to go talk to the band so these dudes can join them onstage for the second set. No. Says a lot of really random things that I just sort of ignore.
    5) Guy at Bling show that comes up to me and a friend after the show has ended. We were sitting at the bar, and had just finished talking to the frontman. Guy comes up and says to us, "So, I was just wondering... that guy y'all were just talking to, what's going on with you both and him?" Since we had spoken to other people too, I point out who I think he's talking about and verify. I tell the guy that I've known the frontman for over a year and that we were saying hello, nice show, etc. Guy says it looks like there is something going on, but wouldn't elaborate. Just sort of smirked like he knew something secret.
     6) While riding my bike home, I get stopped at the red light at the intersection of Pulaski and Hancock. Then this guy I went to school with starts to cross the streed right in front of me, so we sit and chat for about 10 minutes or so. I'm right at the curb, sittting on my bike but leaning onto the curb. This car pulls up in the next lane and is stopped by the red light. I'm not paying attention to them, just talking to my friend. Then I think I hear a "Hey...", so I glance over, and in the car are a man and woman- not students at all, actually sort of thug-looking, and they are both staring at us. We go back to talking, and then I hear the "hey" again, so I look over again, and the woman in the passenger seat looks at me, says "hey, baby" and gives me the upward head nod along with an air-kiss... luckily then the light turned green.

So, WTF?? Where do all the crazies come from?? Is there a night when they are all allowed out of the loony bin? Or are they already embedded in the social society around town, but look at me and think, "Hey, there's one of us! Let's go network!"??

Thursday, November 3, 2005

Brains and Pickles.

Halloween has come and gone. It's such a big thing here in Athens, bigger than many other events. At least in the planning part of it. People talk about their costume ideas for weeks, putting them together, trying to be the most original. Oftentimes, those ideas get scrapped last-minute, when it just isn't going to work. Either way, it's lots of fun. No candy, but plenty of beer. 

I had a show with Effie's this past Friday. We opened for Jucifer. I wish we could have gone on a little later- 9:20 is a little early for the crowds here. I got to look like a zombie and prance around in underwear. (see picture). Thriller went well. I lost my wig in the middle of Burley-Q. I guess that can be creepy in itself.

My actual costume this year (since there are secondary costumes for other nights, parties, etc.) was the Pickle Fairy. I am happy with the way it turned out. I looked a little ridiculous, but of course I was handing out pickles to people all night, and who doesn't look ridiculous doing that? May as well be wearing a goofy outfit at the same time! Many people were grossed out by the pickles, but that made it more fun; handing them this saran-wrapped object while they make a confused/apprehensive face. "What is this?" was asked a lot, while they held it out in front of them...  When told it was a pickle, most people smelled it and laughed, and a lot of people handed it back cause they didn't want it. Ungrateful bastards.  I mean who doesn't want a free pickle??

All Monday evening I was frantically trying to sew my skirt into something I could actually wear. I can't really sew, and didn't have a machine, so I made it up as I went. I ran out of time and patience and just stapled on the trim. It worked at least. And since I was busy doing that, my two favorite pickle elves helped me out and packaged up my pickles for me. Even though one of them really hates pickles. The things your friends will do for you! :) So shout outs to Big E and uh, the other Big E-guy for some fine pickle wrapping!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Worse than animals.

I will never understand how human beings can willfully and purposely cause pain and suffering on others. The fact that these people did what they did and probably aren't even giving it a second thought disgusts and saddens me to no end. It makes me sick to think that humans like this exist in the same civilization as I do, when their behavior can't even be described as being animalistic. Animals don't do things like this out of spite or hatred or revenge. It is simply disgusting. And I hope that someday they are haunted by their actions.

Friday, October 14, 2005

groundhog day

I'm living what seems to be a never-ending cycle... get up too early, go to work, kiss ass for 6 hours, come home with plans to be productive but waste time doing other things instead, go to practice, go out, spend money on beer, come home too late, start it all over again. 

I need a magnificent event to happen. Something to get me going again. Something that will change the view I currently have. 

I need a vacation.

I wish I had a hammock. And fewer mosquitoes in my backyard. 

Nothing like a dance party to make you feel like the stereotypical 'ugly friend'. Being walloped by self-consciousness/conspicuousness ain't so grand either. Those things go hand in hand.

No matter what, though... Ben and Jerry are always there for me. I can also guarantee 30 lbs of cat cuddling with me tonight.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

PBR-induced musings

Tonight was a Beer Tower night. It was fun, but not as much fun as in previous weeks. We placed 4th, as usual. 

Drinking too much crappy beer makes me think about things I otherwise should just not bother with... among them:

* why do people hold these ridiculous grudges against each other?

* did the coffee shop girl actually give me decaf when I asked for it? Is she trying to kill me?

* I have been so bored lately, even though I am fairly occupied most of the time... what is keeping me in this rut?

* do I just need to get out of this town?

* why hasn't my landlord cashed the rent check I wrote him almost 2 weeks ago? what does it matter if it's a few days late, then?

* is my bike about to fall apart? 

* with me on it?

* what is it about me that makes me nothing more than a passing thought in others' minds? am I that forgettable?

* how come no one makes pants short enough for me?

* where are these slugs I find in my house coming from?? 

* if I died/disappeared/whatever, how long would it be before someone noticed?

* how can I avoid the coming Avian Flu pandemic?

* what makes chocolate milk so damn good? I could drink it all day long.

My brain just doesn't stop. Too bad it's a bunch of useless crap that only wastes time rather than solving any major world issues. Guess that's why I'm just a waitress.

Monday, October 3, 2005

If I can't see you, you can't see me...

Well, I thought that I'd be spending my extra money this week on costuming things for Effie's and on some new jeans.. you know, fun stuff. But, instead that money will be going towards an eye exam and a new pair of glasses. Since my current pair of glasses got stepped on tonight. They are definitely dead. :(  And on top of that, the place I go to only does exams on Fridays, so I'll have to go lense-less for a week. I feel naked. Don't look at me. I have a headache. 

In other news, there was some sort of SWAT situation here in Athens tonight, but I only saw the graphic on the news. The volume on the TV in Taco Stand was down and the closed captioning was turned off. And they didn't show any footage. Bastards. I'm all curious, and I have no info!! 

I also saw a really nasty looking still-shot photo of the Alabama football player who broke his leg in this past weekend's Alabama-Florida game. It's an action shot, taken right when it happened. It looks like even he isn't sure what he did yet, since he's still got his hands on the ball. In the endzone, no less. It's gross. No doubt about it that it hurt like hell. Feet aren't supposed to bend that way unless your name is Gumby. I hope that Alabama got the points for the touchdown, because I think an injury like that is worth six points. 

Anyway, off to bed. Gonna mope about my broken glasses some more. Can't wait to hear everyone tell me how weird I look without them.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

I'd LOVE some cheese with my whine!

It seems that using this as my personal bitch-board actually does help me out. After yammering on in my last post about how the night sucked, I went to sleep and other than the strange spider dream I had, slept very well. And I woke up super-rested. Though I did still manage to doze off again somehow in what was supposed to be the 20 seconds between turning off my alarm and getting out of bed. Luckily I have a completely psychotic (OCD?) cat that insists on staring at me and meowing incessantly as loudly as possible every morning around 7:25 (give or take a few minutes). Who needs an alarm clock, huh?

buncha bullshit

So tonight was a complete waste of my time. I would have been much happier just staying home and reading a book, rather than going out and still being essentially alone at the bar. I didn't go to the show I wanted to go to, partly because of cost, but also because I wasn't sure who was going to be there since the 'group of kids' that were going to go were nowhere to be found. And I'm not one to go to shows by myself, though I should just get over that. I'd probably have more fun. 

Then the people I was hanging out with were instigating shit with some random guy that was standing outside of the LP trying to make conversation. Though random drunk dudes are a pain, I do get annoyed with my friends when they decide to be assholes for no real reason. The other guy that was hanging out (and not being a dick to the drunk random guy) spent a good 60f the time on his cell phone. So I sat there and stared into space because I wasn't about to join the half-brain argument going on around me. I don't give a rat's ass about the coolers and what state of cleanliness they are in or who is supposed to clean them!!! So shut up. 

Then I leave to go meet up with some other kids, but by the time I get there they of course decide to go somewhere else, and plus a bunch of people I don't know are with that crowd too, but I'm not sure where they came from. And one is so smashed that it's impossible to have a conversation at all. What's new? 

So I go back to the original crowd hoping to salvage my mood, but by now it's pretty much shot, so I decide that, hey, what the hell! I'll treat myself to an expensive sissy martini (chocolate, of course) to give myself a mood boost. But alas LP has no milk. So no martini for me. Thus, the evening and my mood are now soured, and the best thing to do is just go to sleep. Plus I do have to work in the morning. At 8 am. Woo Hoo! You should cover for me. I'll be your best friend!!

Or, you can send me presents like chocolate and ice cream (or chocolate ice cream!) and then I'll be all good again. Or you can pay off my student loans... whichever you like.  :)

The 'posted time' on this blog is screwy. It says that I posted it at 5:33 am. Hell no. At 5:33 am I will be very much asleep. It's 2:33 am, ya douche. Get it right.

Mmmm... ice cream... sweet dreams.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

standing still in your past

Yeah, so the subject line for this blog came right from the song I am listening to at the moment. Though the 'Currently Listening' thing is a little misleading since I rarely listen to entire albums at a time. I usually just put the ole' iTunes on shuffle. So it was Wilco (Hummingbird) I was listening to, but it has since switched to 'Day Tripper'. If I have to tell you who sings that then don't talk to me. Oh, just kidding, I'm not that much of a music elitist. But, for real, you should know. 

Beer Tower was a flop tonight. There were only two regular members there, and on top of that E had to leave early to work. (Well, he left early to go to a show that he thought he was getting into for free, but no dice.) Luckily, right before E left, Glum showed up, so he and I finished out the game. And got our asses handed to us on a Chinet platter. See, kids... stay in school. Oh, wait. I stayed in school AND graduated from college. Ok, then, kids... stay in school, and major in something useful (i.e. Not Music!). That way when you become a townie, you can win bar tabs at the local trivia joint rather than paying for all your beer. Anyway, next week Beer Tower is on. I will be sending reminder messages. Trivia Guy missed us this week, and definitely wants us back in full force!

Damn, I overcooked my pizza rolls.

This week was the week for random people from the past to add me as their MySpace friend. I don't mind in the least; it's sort of cool to think that some people you haven't seen in 6 years remember you well enough to add you. Still it boggles my mind because even here in Athens where I see the same people everyday, I still usually feel pretty invisible and forgettable. So it's neat when someone recognizes me from a picture that doesn't really even look much like I did back then. So, bring it, old schoolers. 

I should go to sleep. The pizza rolls are gone, and the drowsiness is setting in. And Van Morrison's 'Moondance' is up on the shuffle. Can I just have one more moondance with you, my love?

p.s.   i accidentally deleted this whole blog so i tried to recreate it verbatim, but i probably left out some of the original details. which is why it may seem a bit disjointed. whatever. it'll just read more like the way my brain works. so deal. :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

monday, monday

There was no Beer Tower tonight. I was a little disappointed because I have so much fun, but it seems that everyone just needed a night off after the hectic weekend. For those who don't know, when I say 'Beer Tower', I am referring to a trivia team that plays on Monday nights at Taco Stand. We get there a little early and commandeer the middle tables. We drink PBR tallboys all night, get loud and rowdy, and try to scare off the fratties with our drunken debauchery. At the end of the night, we take the tallboy cans and stack them up to the ceiling- making a Beer Tower. Good times. Hopefully we'll make a comeback next week. 

Eric and I are still neck and neck in our dart tournament. We got a couple games in at the LP tonight, but we each won one, bringing the score to   20-20. The first person to win 100 games gets a tattoo. We have a long way to go. 

Tomorrow night (Tuesday), go to Tasty World! Peelander Z is playing, and they are hilarious. If you haven't seen them before, or even if you have, it will be a treat. I will be there, and so you should be too. How do you like your steak??

Saturday, September 10, 2005

strange city this is

I've decided that Athens is one strange city. Believe me, I've known this for a while now, since I've lived here for 6 years, but I have finally figured out the way it makes me feel. One day, I love it so much and I want to stay here forever. The next, I'm ready to pack up everything and just get out without so much as a day's notice. Today was a 'get-the-hell-out' sort of day. I've not been in the best mood lately, but it was just aggravated even more tonight with the crowds and chaos downtown. I ran into so many people that I know, whether they be actual friends or just aquaintances, or even just people that I have seen around so much that I feel that they have to at least recognize me. Yet, it felt like many of them were just overlooking me entirely. Ugh. It gets so frustrating.

Anyway, I went to see some bands play tonight. I saw Timber (I think that's what it's called; Dan-that-works-at-Transmet's band) at Transmet, and thought they sounded really good. Very relaxed. For some reason I didn't think Dan would have a singing voice like he does. Then I went to Tasty World and saw a little bit of Disband, then saw ElectaVillian, Ginger Envelope, and Modern Skirts. ElectaVillian was good- I've seen them before and they are also fairly chill, with a lot of hints of Jeff Buckley in it. Especially in the vocals. I had never seen any of the other bands. Disband was fun, but I only caught the end of their set. Ginger Envelope was nice, with some different instrumentation, but the frontman said that this was not the normal line-up, and many of the regular members were out of town. Modern Skirts was also good, but for some reason (the vocal timbres and harmonies, I think) I couldn't get They Might Be Giants out of my head. As a friend of mine said, they would have done a fantastic cover of  "Triangle Man". 

So tonight I enjoyed the shows, but I do wish I could shake this blah attitude I've had lately. It's definitely hindering my fun! And on that note, I HAVE to go to sleep- it's gonna be a long day at The Grill. I will be drinking beer afterwards, so feel free to come join me probably at Transmet around 6pm!!

Thursday, September 8, 2005

Wasting my time, and yours as well...

So I decided to post one of these 'blog' things, because I know all of you are just so interested in the mundane details of my life. I was off from work today, which was nice, considering the hell that will be dropped on me this weekend. I sense beer in my future, especially on Saturday evening. Who would like to join me?

Last night I went to a free show at my neighbor's house. A band from Miami called Awesome New Republic played. They were in town to play on Live In The Lobby, and since they were staying at my neighbor's house, they decided to do an impromptu house show. It was good even though there were only about 9 people there. The funniest part is that the cops came twice to a 9-person house party... oh yeah, we were so out of control! ;)

Today I went and got my hair cut. It's something that I've found can make me feel better if I'm not feeling all that good about myself. I guess because it's a quick change that can make me feel like I'm bettering myself. I like it so far, but we'll see what happens when I have to actually style it myself. Haha... the last three sentences ended with the word 'myself'. Make that four. It's all about me, you know. :)